Venus Blizz Hack: A $21.8 Million DeFi Security Breach

May 14, 2023
12 min read

Venus Blizz Hack: A $21.8 Million DeFi Security Breach

In the ever-evolving landscape of decentralized finance (DeFi), security remains a paramount concern. The recent hack involving Venus Protocol and Blizz Finance serves as a stark reminder of the vulnerabilities that can arise in even the most sophisticated blockchain systems. This incident not only highlights the importance of robust smart contract audits but also underscores the need for continuous vigilance in the face of market volatility and unforeseen circumstances.

The Anatomy of the $21.8 Million Heist

On May 2022, the crypto world witnessed yet another seismic event as two lending platforms fell victim to a coordinated attack. Venus Protocol, operating on the Binance Smart Chain (BSC), and Blizz Finance, running on the Avalanche network, were drained of $13.5 million and $8.3 million respectively, amounting to a staggering total loss of $21.8 million.

Root Causes of the Exploit

At the heart of this exploit lay the tumultuous collapse of the Terra ecosystem, specifically the dramatic price plunge of the LUNA token. This market turmoil created a perfect storm of vulnerabilities that savvy attackers were quick to exploit. The crux of the issue stemmed from inaccuracies in the Chainlink price feeds, which both Venus Protocol and Blizz Finance relied upon for valuing collateral.

Attack Vector Breakdown

The exploit leveraged a critical flaw in how these protocols handled the valuation of LUNA tokens as collateral. Here's a breakdown of the attack vector:

  1. Chainlink Oracle Vulnerability: Both Venus and Blizz utilized Chainlink oracles to determine the value of collateral. These oracles had a hardcoded minimum price for LUNA set at $0.10.
  2. Market Reality vs. Oracle Data: As LUNA's price plummeted below this threshold, a significant discrepancy arose between the actual market price and the oracle-provided value.
  3. Exploiter's Strategy: Attackers seized this opportunity by purchasing large amounts of LUNA at the drastically reduced market price.
  4. Inflated Collateral: They then used this LUNA as collateral on Venus and Blizz, with the protocols valuing it at the minimum $0.10 per token, far above its actual worth.
  5. Overborrowing: This inflated collateral value allowed the attackers to borrow disproportionately large amounts of other assets from the platforms.

Aftermath and Immediate Responses

The fallout from this hack was swift and severe:

  • Venus Protocol: Thanks to its larger total value locked (TVL) of around $1 billion, Venus managed to suspend activities in time to prevent a total loss. The protocol utilized its Risk Fund to address the shortfall from the event.
  • Blizz Finance: Unfortunately, Blizz was unable to react quickly due to a timelock feature, resulting in the loss of its entire $8.3 million TVL.
  • Market Ripples: The incident contributed to the broader market instability, with multiple exchanges including Binance, Bybit, eToro, and dydx suspending trading of LUNA and UST.
  • Chainlink's Response: Both protocols initially pointed fingers at Chainlink for pausing price feeds. Chainlink responded by explaining their automatic circuit breaker functionality and best practices for protocols to implement.

Key Lessons for DeFi Security

This hack serves as a crucial case study for the DeFi community, highlighting several key lessons:

  1. Comprehensive Protocol Understanding: Projects must have an in-depth understanding of every aspect of their ecosystem, including external dependencies like oracles.
  2. Fail-safe Mechanisms: The lack of proper fail-safe mechanisms in both protocols underscores the need for multi-layered security measures.
  3. Timely Response to Market Conditions: The inability to quickly adjust parameters in response to extreme market conditions proved costly. Protocols need to implement more flexible and responsive systems.
  4. Oracle Reliability: Even reputable oracle solutions like Chainlink are not infallible. Projects must implement additional checks and balances to mitigate risks associated with oracle data.
  5. Proactive Security Measures: The implementation of automatic circuit breakers and other proactive security measures could have potentially prevented or mitigated the extent of the losses.

DeFi Projects at Risk

The Venus Blizz hack reveals vulnerabilities that could potentially affect a wide range of DeFi projects, particularly:

  • Lending and Borrowing Platforms
  • Decentralized Exchanges (DEXs)
  • Synthetic Asset Protocols
  • Yield Farming and Liquidity Mining Protocols
  • Cross-chain Bridge Projects
  • Algorithmic Stablecoins

Prevention Methods and Best Practices

To mitigate the risk of similar attacks, DeFi projects should consider implementing the following measures:

  1. Multi-Oracle Solutions: Relying on multiple independent oracle sources can help prevent single points of failure.
  2. Circuit Breakers: Implementing automatic halts on trading or borrowing when extreme price movements are detected.
  3. Collateral Diversity: Encouraging or requiring the use of diverse collateral types to reduce dependency on a single asset.
  4. Regular Smart Contract Audits: Conducting frequent and thorough smart contract audits to identify potential vulnerabilities.
  5. Incident Response Plans: Developing and regularly updating comprehensive incident response strategies to quickly address potential exploits.
  6. Dynamic Collateralization Ratios: Implementing systems that can adjust collateralization ratios based on market volatility.
  7. Governance Mechanisms: Establishing robust governance processes that allow for quick parameter adjustments in response to market conditions.
  8. Stress Testing: Regularly conducting stress tests simulating extreme market conditions to identify potential weaknesses.

Expert Opinions and Industry Insights

The Venus Blizz hack sparked significant discussion within the crypto community. Here are some notable expert opinions:

"This incident underscores the critical importance of understanding every element of a protocol and integrating them safely and securely. Even the most reputable solutions, like Chainlink oracles, are not immune to unforeseen circumstances," stated a blockchain security expert.
A DeFi researcher commented, "The Venus and Blizz Finance exploit is a stark reminder that in the world of decentralized finance, the interconnectedness of protocols can lead to cascading failures. It's crucial for projects to not only secure their own smart contracts but also to consider how external factors and dependencies can impact their system's integrity."

Post-Mortem Insights

In the aftermath of the hack, both Venus Protocol and Blizz Finance conducted thorough post-mortems. Key takeaways include:

  • Venus Protocol: "We've learned the hard way that having a risk reserve fund is crucial. It allowed us to address the shortfall and protect our users to some extent. Moving forward, we're implementing more robust oracle solutions and enhancing our circuit breaker mechanisms."
  • Blizz Finance: "The timelock feature, while designed for security, prevented us from reacting swiftly to this unforeseen scenario. We're re-evaluating our security measures to balance between protection and the ability to respond rapidly to market anomalies."

FAQs on DeFi Security and Hack Prevention

Q: Could this type of attack happen again?

A: While the specific circumstances of this attack were unique, similar vulnerabilities could potentially be exploited in other protocols. It's crucial for DeFi projects to continuously update and improve their security measures.

Q: How can users protect themselves from such exploits?

A: Users should diversify their investments, stay informed about the protocols they use, and be cautious during times of extreme market volatility. Additionally, using protocols with proven track records and multiple security audits can help mitigate risks.

Q: What role do oracles play in DeFi security?

A: Oracles are crucial for providing external data to smart contracts. However, as this incident shows, even reputable oracles can face challenges. Projects should implement multiple oracle sources and additional verification mechanisms to enhance security.

Interesting Facts and Context

  • The Venus Blizz hack occurred amidst the broader Terra/LUNA ecosystem collapse, highlighting the interconnected nature of the crypto market.
  • This incident led to Venus Protocol ranking high on the "rekt leaderboard," a dubious distinction in the DeFi space.
  • The hack exploited a vulnerability that had been present in the system for months, emphasizing the importance of continuous security reviews.


The Venus Blizz hack serves as a sobering reminder of the complexities and risks inherent in the DeFi ecosystem. It underscores the critical need for robust security measures, continuous auditing, and adaptive strategies to protect against unforeseen market events. As the blockchain industry continues to evolve, incidents like these provide valuable lessons that can help shape a more secure and resilient future for decentralized finance.

At Vidma Security, we understand the critical importance of comprehensive smart contract audits and blockchain security measures. Our team of expert auditors and penetration testers specializes in identifying vulnerabilities and providing robust solutions to safeguard your DeFi projects. To learn more about how we can help protect your project from potential exploits and vulnerabilities, visit

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