Unraveling the Perils of Incorrect Inheritance Order in Smart Contracts

July 13, 2023
10 min read

Unraveling the Perils of Incorrect Inheritance Order in Smart Contracts

The Hidden Threat in Your Smart Contract's DNA

In the ever-evolving landscape of blockchain technology, smart contracts stand as the pillars of decentralized applications. However, like any complex system, they are not immune to vulnerabilities. One such vulnerability that often flies under the radar is the Incorrect Inheritance Order. This subtle yet potentially devastating issue can compromise the integrity and functionality of your smart contracts, leading to unexpected behaviors and security breaches.

Understanding the Inheritance Conundrum

Solidity, the primary language for Ethereum smart contracts, allows for multiple inheritance – a powerful feature that enables developers to create complex and modular contract structures. However, this flexibility comes with a catch. When multiple base contracts define the same function, the order of inheritance becomes critical. Neglecting this order can lead to what is known as the Diamond Problem, where ambiguity arises on which function to call.

Consider this scenario: You're developing a DeFi protocol that inherits from multiple base contracts. Each of these contracts has its own implementation of a critical function, say, calculateInterest(). If you don't specify the inheritance order correctly, you might end up calling the wrong implementation, potentially leading to incorrect interest calculations and financial losses for your users.

The Anatomy of Incorrect Inheritance Order

The Incorrect Inheritance Order vulnerability occurs when developers fail to specify the inheritance order carefully, especially when inheriting contracts with identical functions. This oversight can lead to unexpected behavior in your smart contract, potentially compromising its security and functionality. The consequences can be severe, as evidenced by the Compound Finance incident, where a bug in the contract's logic led to a $147 million exploit.

Case Study 1: The MDTCrowdsale Mishap

One notable example of this vulnerability is found in the MDTCrowdsale.sol contract. In this case, the contract inherited from multiple base contracts without proper consideration of the inheritance order. As a result, certain functions were overridden in an unintended manner, leading to unexpected behavior during the crowdsale process.

The consequences were significant:

  • Incorrect token distribution
  • Miscalculated bonuses
  • Potential loss of investor funds

This case highlights the importance of carefully considering the inheritance order, especially in complex crowdsale contracts where multiple features and bonuses are involved.

Case Study 2: The Shadowy Inheritance

Another intriguing case involves a token sale contract where the inheritance order led to function shadowing. The contract inherited from multiple base contracts, each with its own implementation of the transfer() function. Due to the incorrect inheritance order, the wrong transfer() function was called, bypassing critical checks and balances.

The aftermath was alarming:

  • Unauthorized token transfers
  • Bypassed KYC checks
  • Potential regulatory compliance issues

This case underscores the need for thorough auditing and careful consideration of inheritance patterns, especially in contracts dealing with token transfers and regulatory compliance.

Preventing the Inheritance Nightmare

Preventing the Incorrect Inheritance Order vulnerability requires a combination of best practices, careful planning, and rigorous testing. Here are some key strategies to safeguard your smart contracts:

1. Follow the General-to-Specific Rule

When dealing with multiple contracts that have identical functions, always inherit from more general to more specific contracts. This approach ensures that the most specialized implementation of a function is used.

For example:

contract SpecificToken is GeneralToken, AdvancedToken {
    // Contract implementation

In this case, SpecificToken will use the most specific implementation of shared functions, typically from AdvancedToken.

Real-life Example: OpenZeppelin's Token Standards

OpenZeppelin, a leading provider of secure smart contract libraries, implements this principle in their token standards. For instance, their ERC20 implementation follows a clear inheritance pattern:

contract ERC20 is Context, IERC20, IERC20Metadata {
    // Contract implementation

Here, ERC20 inherits from more general interfaces (IERC20, IERC20Metadata) to more specific implementations (Context), ensuring that the most appropriate function implementations are used.

2. Utilize the override Keyword

Solidity provides the override keyword to explicitly indicate which function should be overridden. This helps in avoiding ambiguity and makes the code more readable.

contract BaseContract {
    function sharedFunction() public virtual returns (uint) {
        return 1;

contract SpecificContract is BaseContract {
    function sharedFunction() public virtual override returns (uint) {
        return 2;

Real-life Example: Uniswap V3 Core

Uniswap V3, one of the most popular decentralized exchanges, uses this approach in their core contracts. For instance, in their Pool contract:

contract UniswapV3Pool is IUniswapV3Pool, NoDelegateCall {
    function initialize(uint160 sqrtPriceX96) external override {
        require(slot0.sqrtPriceX96 == 0, 'AI');
        // Initialization logic
    // Other contract logic

Here, the initialize function is explicitly marked with override, ensuring that it's clear which implementation is being used.

3. Implement Comprehensive Testing

Thorough testing is crucial to catch inheritance-related issues early. Implement unit tests that specifically check for correct function resolution in inherited contracts. The importance of comprehensive testing in smart contract security cannot be overstated.

contract TestInheritance {
    function testInheritanceOrder() public {
        SpecificContract sc = new SpecificContract();
        assert(sc.sharedFunction() == 2);

Real-life Example: Chainlink's Smart Contract Testing

Chainlink, a decentralized oracle network, emphasizes rigorous testing in their smart contract development. They use a combination of unit tests and integration tests to ensure correct inheritance behavior. For instance, in their AggregatorProxy contract:

contract AggregatorProxyTest is Test {
    function testCorrectImplementationCalled() public {
        AggregatorProxy proxy = new AggregatorProxy();
        assertEq(proxy.latestAnswer(), expectedAnswer);

This test ensures that the correct implementation of latestAnswer() is called, considering the inheritance structure of the AggregatorProxy contract.

4. Leverage Static Analysis Tools

Utilize static analysis tools that can detect potential inheritance issues. Tools like Slither or MythX can identify problematic inheritance patterns before they make it to production.

Real-life Example: ConsenSys Diligence

ConsenSys Diligence, a leading smart contract auditing firm, uses a suite of static analysis tools in their audit process. They have developed custom tools that specifically look for inheritance-related vulnerabilities, including incorrect inheritance order. These tools have been instrumental in identifying and preventing potential issues in high-profile projects like Aave and Compound.

The Ripple Effect: Implications of Incorrect Inheritance Order

The implications of the Incorrect Inheritance Order vulnerability extend far beyond simple coding errors. They can have profound effects on the entire ecosystem built around a smart contract.

1. Security Breaches

Incorrect inheritance can lead to unintended function calls, potentially bypassing critical security checks. This can open up avenues for malicious actors to exploit the contract, leading to unauthorized access or fund manipulation. The Euler Finance hack, which resulted in a $197 million loss, serves as a stark reminder of the potential consequences of smart contract vulnerabilities.

2. Financial Losses

In DeFi protocols, where smart contracts handle millions of dollars worth of assets, an incorrect function call due to inheritance issues can result in significant financial losses. Miscalculated interest rates, incorrect token distributions, or faulty liquidation mechanisms can all stem from this vulnerability.

3. Reputational Damage

Once exploited, a vulnerability in a smart contract can severely damage the reputation of the project and its team. In the fast-moving and often unforgiving world of blockchain, trust is paramount, and a single security incident can lead to a mass exodus of users and investors.

4. Legal and Regulatory Consequences

Smart contracts operating in regulated spaces, such as security tokens or compliant DeFi protocols, may face legal consequences if their functionality is compromised due to inheritance issues. This could result in fines, legal action, or regulatory scrutiny.

5. Ecosystem Disruption

In interconnected DeFi ecosystems, a vulnerability in one contract can have cascading effects on dependent protocols. An incorrectly inherited function in a base protocol could potentially disrupt multiple projects built on top of it.

Conclusion: Inheriting Responsibility

As we navigate the complex landscape of smart contract development, the Incorrect Inheritance Order vulnerability serves as a stark reminder of the importance of meticulous coding practices and thorough auditing. By understanding the nuances of Solidity's inheritance model, following best practices, and implementing rigorous testing, developers can create more robust and secure smart contracts.

Remember, in the world of blockchain, where code is law, every inheritance matters. As smart contract auditors and developers, it's our responsibility to ensure that the digital DNA of our contracts is structured correctly, safeguarding the future of decentralized applications and the assets they manage.

In this ever-evolving field, staying vigilant and continuously educating ourselves about potential vulnerabilities is not just good practice – it's essential for the health and growth of the entire blockchain ecosystem.

Vidma Security stands at the forefront of this mission, offering comprehensive smart contract auditing services that go beyond surface-level checks. Our team of expert auditors, well-versed in the intricacies of Solidity and other blockchain languages, employs state-of-the-art techniques to identify and mitigate vulnerabilities like Incorrect Inheritance Order. To learn more about how we can safeguard your blockchain projects, visit https://www.vidma.io.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vel sapien turpis scelerisque est. Netus gravida urna, amet, interdum egestas nunc, interdum. Pellentesque blandit lobortis massa nulla id est. Facilisi cras nibh donec vitae. Congue fermentum, viverra tortor placerat. Pharetra id quisque massa diam vulputate in nullam orci at. Cursus mus senectus natoque urna, augue ligula nam felis. Sem facilisis cursus volutpat purus odio nulla facilisis. Fermentum cursus purus vitae posuere luctus vitae congue.
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