The Pickle Jar Heist: Unraveling the $19.7 Million Hack on Pickle Finance

November 26, 2023
10 min read

The Pickle Jar Heist: Unraveling the $19.7 Million Hack on Pickle Finance

A Sour Taste in DeFi: The Pickle Finance Exploit Explained

On November 22, 2020, the decentralized finance (DeFi) space was shaken by yet another high-profile hack, this time targeting Pickle Finance. The incident resulted in the loss of a staggering 19.7 million DAI from the protocol's cDAI jar, leaving the community stunned and raising serious questions about the security of DeFi platforms.

The Anatomy of the Hack: A Masterclass in Exploitation

The Pickle Finance hack stands out as a particularly sophisticated attack, demonstrating the perpetrator's deep understanding of Solidity and the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM). Unlike many recent DeFi exploits that relied on arbitrage opportunities, this attack showcased a level of complexity that sent shockwaves through the blockchain security community.

At the heart of the exploit was a vulnerability in the newly implemented ControllerV4 smart contract, specifically within the "swapExactJarForJar" function. This function was designed to allow users to swap assets between different Pickle Jars. However, a critical oversight in the implementation proved to be the Achilles' heel of the entire system.

The attacker exploited this vulnerability by creating a counterfeit Pickle Jar, which closely mimicked the legitimate ones. Due to the absence of proper whitelisting mechanisms for permitted jars, the malicious actor was able to leverage the swapExactJarForJar function to divert funds from the original jar into their fake one.

This method of attack bears a striking resemblance to a vulnerability discovered in Yearn's code just a month prior, suggesting that the hacker may have drawn inspiration from studying Yearn's infrastructure. This connection underscores the importance of cross-protocol vigilance and the need for rapid dissemination of security insights within the DeFi community.

The Ripple Effect: Projects at Risk

The Pickle Finance hack serves as a stark warning to other DeFi projects, particularly those utilizing similar jar mechanisms or forked code. Projects that lack robust whitelisting for asset exchanges are especially vulnerable to this type of exploit.

Some key characteristics of projects that could be susceptible to similar attacks include:

  • Protocols using vault-like structures (jars, vaults, pools) for asset management
  • Smart contracts with functions allowing inter-vault asset swaps
  • Lack of strict whitelisting or access control for vault interactions
  • Recent upgrades or additions to core contracts without thorough audits
  • Forked code from established projects without proper security adaptations

It's crucial for DeFi projects to recognize that even well-established protocols can fall victim to sophisticated attacks. The Pickle Finance incident highlights the need for continuous security assessments, especially when introducing new features or upgrading existing systems.

Expert Insights and Post-Mortem Analysis

In the aftermath of the hack, a collaborative effort involving some of the brightest minds in the DeFi space was launched to investigate the incident and prevent further damage. Teams from Stake Capital, Yearn, Pickle Finance, and independent developers like @samczsun and @emilianobonassi joined forces to dissect the exploit.

One expert involved in the investigation noted, "This hack demonstrates the evolving sophistication of attacks in the DeFi space. It's no longer just about finding simple vulnerabilities; attackers are now crafting complex, multi-step exploits that require an intimate understanding of protocol interactions."

The post-mortem analysis revealed several critical points:

  1. The vulnerability was introduced with the addition of ControllerV4, which had not been subject to the same rigorous audits as previous versions.
  2. The swapExactJarForJar function lacked proper checks to ensure only whitelisted jars could interact with it.
  3. The attacker's profound knowledge of Solidity and EVM allowed them to craft a sophisticated exploit that went beyond simple arbitrage.
  4. The similarity to a previously discovered vulnerability in Yearn's code suggests a potential pattern that other protocols should be aware of.

A member of the Pickle Finance team reflected, "This incident has been a harsh lesson in the importance of comprehensive security measures. We now understand that security is not a one-time effort but an ongoing process that must evolve with our protocol."

Pressing Questions and Answers

Q: How did the attacker manage to bypass existing security measures?

A: The attacker exploited a lack of whitelisting in the swapExactJarForJar function, allowing them to create and interact with a fake jar. This oversight in the newly added ControllerV4 contract was not caught by previous audits.

Q: Could this hack have been prevented?

A: While no system is entirely foolproof, several measures could have mitigated the risk:

  • Implementing strict whitelisting for all jar interactions
  • Conducting thorough audits on new contract additions before deployment
  • Implementing timelocks for significant contract upgrades to allow for community review

Q: What immediate actions did Pickle Finance take to address the hack?

A: The team attempted to mitigate the damage by calling a "withdrawAll" function, but this transaction failed. They also tried to use the Governance DAO to withdraw funds, but a 12-hour timelock prevented immediate action.

Q: How has this incident impacted the broader DeFi ecosystem?

A: The hack has raised important questions about the sustainability of current security practices in DeFi, particularly the reliance on pseudo-anonymous white hat hackers for assistance. It has also sparked discussions about the need for a paradigm shift in how DeFi protocols approach security and rapid iteration.

Prevention Strategies: Securing the Future of DeFi

In light of the Pickle Finance hack, it's clear that the DeFi space needs to adopt more robust security measures. Here are some key prevention strategies that projects should consider:

  1. Implement Comprehensive Whitelisting: Ensure that all critical functions, especially those involving asset transfers, have strict whitelisting mechanisms in place.
  2. Continuous Auditing: Move beyond one-time audits and implement a system of continuous security assessments, particularly when introducing new features or contracts.
  3. Timelock Mechanisms: Implement timelocks for significant contract upgrades to allow for community review and potential vulnerability detection.
  4. Cross-Protocol Collaboration: Establish channels for rapid sharing of security insights across different DeFi projects to prevent similar vulnerabilities from being exploited.
  5. Simulate Attacks: Regularly conduct white-hat hacking exercises to identify potential vulnerabilities before malicious actors can exploit them.
  6. Enhanced Access Controls: Implement multi-signature requirements for critical protocol actions to prevent single points of failure.
  7. Educate Users: Provide clear guidelines and warnings to users about the risks associated with interacting with smart contracts and the importance of verifying transactions.
  8. Implement Circuit Breakers: Design smart contracts with built-in pause mechanisms that can be triggered in case of suspicious activity.
  9. Formal Verification: Utilize formal verification techniques to mathematically prove the correctness of critical smart contract functions.
  10. Bug Bounty Programs: Establish robust bug bounty programs to incentivize the discovery and responsible disclosure of vulnerabilities.

Conclusion: A Call for Vigilance in DeFi

The Pickle Finance hack serves as a sobering reminder of the challenges faced by the DeFi sector. As the industry continues to evolve, so too must its approach to security. The incident highlights the need for a paradigm shift in how protocols balance rapid innovation with robust security measures.

As we move forward, it's crucial for DeFi projects to prioritize security at every stage of development and operation. The collaborative effort seen in the aftermath of the Pickle Finance hack demonstrates the power of community-driven security initiatives. By fostering this spirit of cooperation and vigilance, the DeFi space can work towards building a more secure and resilient ecosystem for all participants.

At Vidma Security, we understand the complex challenges faced by DeFi protocols in today's rapidly evolving landscape. Our team of expert auditors and penetration testers specializes in identifying vulnerabilities like those exploited in the Pickle Finance hack. With our comprehensive smart contract auditing services and blockchain vulnerability assessments, we help projects fortify their defenses against sophisticated attacks. Trust Vidma to be your vigilant guardian in the world of blockchain security. Learn more about our services at

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