The Lurking Danger: Delegatecall to Untrusted Callee in Smart Contracts

June 14, 2023
15 min read
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The Lurking Danger: Delegatecall to Untrusted Callee in Smart Contracts

In the ever-evolving landscape of blockchain technology, smart contracts have become the backbone of decentralized applications. However, with great power comes great responsibility, and the security of these contracts is paramount. One particularly insidious vulnerability that has caught the attention of blockchain security experts is the "Delegatecall to Untrusted Callee." This blog post delves deep into this vulnerability, exploring its implications, real-world cases, and prevention methods.

Understanding the Vulnerability

The "Delegatecall to Untrusted Callee" vulnerability is a critical issue in smart contract security that can lead to devastating consequences if left unchecked. This vulnerability arises when a contract uses the delegatecall function, a special variant of a message call in Solidity, to execute code from an untrusted address within the context of the calling contract.

At its core, delegatecall allows a contract to dynamically load code from another address at runtime. While this feature can be powerful for creating upgradeable contracts, it becomes dangerous when the target of the delegatecall is not carefully controlled. The risk lies in the fact that the called contract can manipulate the storage and balance of the calling contract, potentially leading to unauthorized access or theft of funds.

The Anatomy of an Attack

To understand the severity of this vulnerability, let's break down how an attack might unfold:

  1. A vulnerable contract includes a function that uses delegatecall to execute code from an address provided as an input parameter.
  2. An attacker identifies this vulnerability and crafts a malicious contract designed to exploit it.
  3. The attacker calls the vulnerable function, passing the address of their malicious contract as the parameter.
  4. The vulnerable contract executes the delegatecall, unknowingly running the attacker's code in its own context.
  5. The malicious code can now read and write to the storage of the vulnerable contract, potentially draining funds or altering critical state variables.

This scenario highlights why the "Delegatecall to Untrusted Callee" vulnerability is so dangerous. It essentially hands over the keys to the kingdom to an attacker, allowing them to manipulate the contract's state at will.

Real-World Implications: Case Studies

The theoretical danger of this vulnerability becomes all too real when we examine actual incidents in the blockchain space. While not all of these cases directly involve the "Delegatecall to Untrusted Callee" vulnerability, they demonstrate the severe consequences of similar smart contract weaknesses.

Case Study 1: The Poly Network Hack

In August 2021, the Poly Network, a cross-chain protocol, fell victim to one of the largest hacks in DeFi history, resulting in a staggering loss of $611 million. The attack exploited a vulnerability in a privileged contract called EthCrossChainManager. While not directly related to delegatecall, this incident highlights the critical importance of securing privileged functions and the potential for massive losses when smart contract vulnerabilities are exploited. You can read more about this incident here.

The Poly Network hack serves as a stark reminder of the need for thorough smart contract audits, continuous security monitoring, and robust access control mechanisms. In the aftermath, the industry learned valuable lessons about the importance of multi-signature wallets for critical functions and proper key management practices.

Case Study 2: The Compound Protocol Incident

Another significant case that shook the DeFi world occurred in the Compound protocol. Although not directly related to the "Delegatecall to Untrusted Callee" vulnerability, it demonstrates how a seemingly innocuous code change can lead to catastrophic results. The incident resulted in the erroneous distribution of $147 million worth of COMP tokens due to a flawed upgrade in the protocol's smart contract. A detailed analysis of this incident can be found here.

This case underscores the importance of rigorous testing and verification processes, especially when dealing with upgradeable contracts. It also highlights the need for fail-safe mechanisms and governance structures that can quickly respond to and mitigate such incidents.

Case Study 3: The Furucombo Hack

The Furucombo hack is particularly relevant to our discussion of the "Delegatecall to Untrusted Callee" vulnerability. In this incident, attackers exploited a vulnerability related to delegatecall functions, leading to significant losses. The hack emphasized the critical need to audit delegatecall functions carefully and understand their impact on the caller's storage. You can read more about this exploit here.

This case provides valuable lessons for the blockchain security community. It highlights the importance of implementing stricter controls on callee functions and parameters, being cautious with user-provided input, and avoiding granting infinite approvals to DeFi protocols.

Preventing the Vulnerability: Best Practices and Strategies

Given the severe implications of the "Delegatecall to Untrusted Callee" vulnerability, it's crucial to implement robust prevention strategies. Here are some best practices that smart contract developers and auditors should consider:

1. Cautious Use of delegatecall

The primary recommendation is to use delegatecall with extreme caution. If possible, avoid calling untrusted contracts altogether. When the target address is based on user input, it's essential to verify it against a list of trusted contracts.

Real-life example: In the wake of the Furucombo hack, many DeFi projects began implementing stricter controls on delegatecall functions, including whitelisting trusted addresses and implementing additional checks before execution.

2. Comprehensive Smart Contract Audits

Regular and thorough smart contract audits by reputable firms are crucial for identifying and addressing vulnerabilities proactively. These audits should pay special attention to the use of delegatecall and other potentially dangerous functions.

Real-life example: Following the Poly Network hack, many DeFi projects increased their focus on comprehensive audits. For instance, Compound Finance, despite being a well-established protocol, continues to undergo regular audits by multiple firms to ensure the highest level of security.

3. Implement Formal Verification Techniques

Formal verification involves using mathematical proofs to verify the correctness of smart contract code. This technique can be particularly effective in identifying logical errors and vulnerabilities that might be missed in traditional audits.

Real-life example: The Tezos blockchain has been a pioneer in implementing formal verification for smart contracts. Their approach has significantly reduced the occurrence of vulnerabilities in contracts deployed on their network.

4. Secure Initialization Practices

Ensure that contracts are initialized securely, especially when dealing with upgradeable contracts or those that use delegatecall. This includes setting proper initial states and implementing access controls.

Real-life example: After the Compound protocol incident, many DeFi projects revised their initialization procedures for upgradeable contracts, implementing additional checks and balances to prevent similar issues.

5. Implement Timelocks and Multi-Signature Requirements

For critical functions, especially those involving upgrades or large transfers, implement timelocks and multi-signature requirements. This provides an additional layer of security and allows for manual intervention if suspicious activity is detected.

Real-life example: Following various high-profile hacks, protocols like Uniswap and Aave implemented governance timelocks, allowing the community to review and potentially prevent malicious upgrades.

6. Continuous Monitoring and Bug Bounty Programs

Implement robust monitoring systems to detect anomalies in real-time. Additionally, establish bug bounty programs to incentivize white hat hackers to identify and report vulnerabilities before they can be exploited.

Real-life example: Ethereum's bug bounty program has been instrumental in identifying and fixing critical vulnerabilities before they could be exploited. In 2020, a researcher was awarded $2 million for identifying a vulnerability in Ethereum 2.0's beacon chain.

7. Education and Adherence to Best Practices

Ongoing education for development teams about smart contract security best practices is crucial. This includes staying updated on the latest security trends and attack vectors in the blockchain space.

Real-life example: The Ethereum Foundation regularly organizes workshops and hackathons focused on smart contract security, helping to raise awareness and skill levels across the developer community.

8. Implement Fail-Safe Mechanisms

Design smart contracts with fail-safe mechanisms, such as circuit breakers or emergency pause functions. These can limit the damage in case of an exploit by automatically pausing contract functions or limiting withdrawals upon detecting unusual activity.

Real-life example: After the DAO hack in 2016, many Ethereum-based projects implemented emergency pause functions. This feature proved crucial in mitigating the impact of the 2020 bZx protocol hack, where the team was able to pause the contract and prevent further losses.

The Road Ahead: Evolving Security in the Blockchain Space

As the blockchain and DeFi ecosystems continue to evolve, so too must our approach to security. The "Delegatecall to Untrusted Callee" vulnerability serves as a potent reminder of the challenges we face in creating secure, decentralized systems.

The cases we've explored, from the Poly Network hack to the Compound protocol incident, highlight the far-reaching consequences of smart contract vulnerabilities. They underscore the interconnected nature of the DeFi ecosystem, where a vulnerability in one protocol can have ripple effects across the entire space.

Moving forward, it's clear that a multi-faceted approach to security is necessary. This includes not only implementing the best practices we've discussed but also fostering a culture of security within the blockchain community. Continuous learning, collaboration between projects, and open communication about vulnerabilities and best practices are all crucial elements in this ongoing battle against smart contract exploits.

As we push the boundaries of what's possible with blockchain technology, we must remain vigilant. The "Delegatecall to Untrusted Callee" vulnerability is just one of many challenges we face, but by learning from past incidents and implementing robust security measures, we can build a more secure and resilient blockchain ecosystem.

In this ever-evolving landscape, Vidma Security stands at the forefront of blockchain security. With our deep expertise across multiple DeFi protocols, layer one solutions, and marketplaces, we offer comprehensive smart contract auditing services that help identify and mitigate vulnerabilities like the one discussed in this article. To learn more about how Vidma can help secure your blockchain projects, visit

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