The Euler Finance Hack: A $197 Million Lesson in Smart Contract Vulnerabilities

July 13, 2023
15 min read

The Euler Finance Hack: A $197 Million Lesson in Smart Contract Vulnerabilities

The Devastating Blow to Euler Finance

On March 14, 2023, the decentralized finance (DeFi) world was shaken by a massive exploit that targeted Euler Finance, a prominent lending protocol. The attack resulted in a staggering loss of approximately $197 million in various cryptocurrencies, marking one of the largest DeFi hacks in recent history. This incident not only highlighted the vulnerabilities present in smart contracts but also emphasized the critical importance of robust security measures in the blockchain ecosystem.

Anatomy of the Attack: Exploiting the Achilles' Heel

The Vulnerability: A Flawed Donation Mechanism

The root cause of the Euler Finance hack can be traced back to a vulnerability in the protocol's smart contract, specifically in the donateToReserves function. This function, introduced through EIP-14 (Euler Improvement Proposal 14), was designed to allow users to send eTokens directly to Euler's reserves. However, a critical oversight in its implementation became the gateway for the attacker.

The vulnerability stemmed from the absence of a crucial check on the user's position health within the donateToReserves function. This oversight allowed the creation of an unbacked DToken debt that could not be liquidated through normal means. Essentially, the function failed to verify whether the user had sufficient collateral before allowing the donation, creating a loophole that the attacker exploited to devastating effect.

The Attack Strategy: A Two-Pronged Approach

The hacker employed a sophisticated strategy involving two separate contracts to execute the attack:

  1. Debt Generation Contract: This contract exploited the vulnerable donateToReserves function to create bad debt within the Euler protocol.
  2. Liquidator Contract: Acting as a liquidator, this contract took advantage of the artificially created bad debt to manipulate the system.

The attacker's methodology was both clever and complex:

  1. They initiated the attack by borrowing $30 million in DAI from Aave through a flash loan.
  2. Leveraging Euler's own leverage system, the attacker created a large position in one contract.
  3. This maneuver allowed the liquidator contract to inflate eToken collateral at a discount.
  4. Finally, the attacker withdrew the underlying assets, effectively draining the protocol.

The Devastating Impact

The aftermath of the attack was severe:

  • Total losses amounted to approximately $197 million, including:
    • $134.6 million in ETH derivatives
    • $18.6 million in WBTC
    • 34 million USDC
    • 8.9 million DAI
  • Euler's Total Value Locked (TVL) plummeted from $264 million to a mere $10 million post-hack.
  • The native token of Euler Finance, EUL, experienced a sharp decline of over 50%, dropping to $2.88 in the wake of the attack.

Ripple Effects: The DeFi Ecosystem Shaken

The Euler Finance hack sent shockwaves through the DeFi community, affecting not just the protocol itself but also numerous other projects and users who had integrated with or relied on Euler.

Collateral Damage to Other Protocols

Several prominent DeFi projects found themselves caught in the crossfire:

  • Angle Protocol: Lost over $17 million of agEUR collateral.
  • Balancer: Suffered a loss of $11.9 million in bbeUSD.
  • Other affected projects included Temple DAO, Idle DAO, Swissborg, Yield Protocol, Yearn, and Inverse Finance.

This widespread impact underscored the interconnected nature of the DeFi ecosystem and the potential for cascading failures when a major protocol is compromised.

The Aftermath: Responses and Revelations

Auditor Accountability

In the wake of the hack, attention turned to the auditing process that had failed to catch this critical vulnerability. Euler Finance had undergone six separate audits, yet none had identified this particular flaw.

Sherlock, a smart contract insurance protocol and one of Euler's auditors, took responsibility for missing the vulnerability in their review of EIP-14. As a consequence, they agreed to pay a claim of $4.5 million to Euler. This admission highlighted the challenges and limitations of current auditing practices in the rapidly evolving DeFi space.

The Hunt for Recovery

In the immediate aftermath of the attack, Euler Finance attempted to establish contact with the hacker. They sent messages through transaction input data, hoping to negotiate a potential return of funds. However, the prospects for recovery dimmed as some of the stolen funds were quickly moved through Tornado Cash, a mixing service that obscures transaction history.

Lessons Learned: A Wake-Up Call for DeFi Security

The Euler Finance hack served as a stark reminder of the critical importance of robust security measures in smart contract development and deployment. It highlighted several key lessons for the DeFi community:

  1. The Need for Comprehensive Audits: While Euler had undergone multiple audits, the incident underscored the importance of even more rigorous and diverse auditing approaches.
  2. Vigilance in Code Updates: The vulnerability was introduced through an improvement proposal (EIP-14), emphasizing the need for careful scrutiny of all code changes, no matter how small.
  3. The Risks of Complex DeFi Protocols: The intricate nature of lending and borrowing protocols like Euler Finance creates multiple attack vectors that must be thoroughly secured.
  4. The Importance of Formal Verification: Advanced techniques like formal verification and runtime verification could potentially catch vulnerabilities that traditional audits might miss.

Preventive Measures: Fortifying the Future of DeFi

In light of the Euler Finance hack and similar incidents, the DeFi community must adopt more robust security practices to prevent future exploits. Here are some key preventive measures:

1. Enhanced Auditing Practices

  • Multiple Independent Audits: Protocols should undergo audits from various reputable firms to increase the chances of catching vulnerabilities.
  • Continuous Auditing: Regular security assessments should be conducted, especially after any code changes or upgrades.

2. Formal Verification

Implementing formal verification techniques can provide mathematical proof of a smart contract's correctness, potentially catching logical errors that traditional audits might miss.

3. Runtime Verification

Employing runtime verification systems can monitor smart contract execution in real-time, catching unexpected behaviors and potential exploits as they occur.

4. Secure Development Frameworks

Utilizing robust development frameworks and best practices can help minimize the introduction of vulnerabilities during the coding process.

5. Comprehensive Testing

  • Extensive Unit Testing: Thorough testing of individual components and functions.
  • Integration Testing: Ensuring different parts of the protocol work correctly together.
  • Stress Testing: Simulating high-load scenarios to identify potential breaking points.

6. Bug Bounty Programs

Implementing generous bug bounty programs can incentivize white hat hackers to find and report vulnerabilities before malicious actors can exploit them.

7. Gradual Rollouts and Value Caps

When introducing new features or contracts, employing a phased rollout with initial value caps can limit potential damage from undiscovered vulnerabilities.

8. Enhanced Governance Processes

Implementing robust governance processes for approving and implementing protocol changes, ensuring thorough review and testing before deployment.

The Road Ahead: Building a More Secure DeFi Ecosystem

The Euler Finance hack serves as a pivotal moment in the evolution of DeFi security. As the industry continues to grow and mature, it must prioritize security alongside innovation. The incident highlights the need for:

  1. Collaborative Security Efforts: Increased cooperation between protocols, auditors, and security researchers to share knowledge and best practices.
  2. Education and Awareness: Enhancing understanding of smart contract vulnerabilities and security best practices among developers and users alike.
  3. Regulatory Considerations: As DeFi grows, working proactively with regulators to establish security standards that protect users without stifling innovation.
  4. Technological Advancements: Continued development of security tools and techniques specifically tailored to the unique challenges of blockchain and DeFi.

Conclusion: A Turning Point for DeFi Security

The Euler Finance hack, while devastating, has the potential to be a catalyst for positive change in the DeFi ecosystem. It underscores the critical importance of security in an industry where code is law and vulnerabilities can lead to massive financial losses.

As the DeFi space continues to evolve, incidents like this serve as crucial learning experiences. They drive home the need for constant vigilance, innovation in security practices, and a community-wide commitment to building more robust and resilient protocols.

The future of DeFi depends on its ability to provide not just innovative financial products, but also a secure and trustworthy environment for users. By learning from the Euler Finance hack and implementing stronger security measures, the DeFi community can work towards building a more secure and sustainable financial ecosystem for the future.

Vidma Security stands at the forefront of blockchain security, offering comprehensive smart contract audits and penetration testing services. Our team of expert auditors employs advanced techniques, including formal verification, to identify and mitigate vulnerabilities before they can be exploited. For unparalleled security solutions tailored to your blockchain project, visit

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