The BonqDAO Blunder: A $120 Million Hack Exposes Oracle Vulnerabilities

February 12, 2024
10 min read

The BonqDAO Blunder: A $120 Million Hack Exposes Oracle Vulnerabilities

Introduction: The BonqDAO Hack and DeFi Security

In the ever-evolving landscape of blockchain technology, security breaches continue to pose significant threats to decentralized finance (DeFi) protocols. The recent BonqDAO hack serves as a stark reminder of the critical importance of robust smart contract audits and the potential consequences of overlooking vulnerabilities in oracle systems.

Anatomy of the BonqDAO Exploit

A Two-Stage Attack Unfolds

On February 1, 2023, the crypto community was shaken by news of a sophisticated attack on BonqDAO, a Polygon-based lending and stablecoin protocol. The hack, which resulted in a staggering $120 million loss, unfolded in two stages, showcasing the attacker's deep understanding of the protocol's vulnerabilities.

Stage 1: Oracle Manipulation

The first stage of the attack involved a cunning manipulation of the Tellor price feed, which BonqDAO relied on for its collateral valuation. The attacker exploited a critical flaw in the protocol's use of instant price values from the oracle. By staking a mere 10 TRB tokens (worth approximately $175), the hacker gained the ability to manually update the price feed for the WALBT collateral.

Stage 2: Exploiting Inflated Collateral

With the manipulated price feed in place, the attacker proceeded to the second stage of their plan. They were able to borrow against the artificially inflated collateral value within the same transaction. This maneuver allowed the hacker to mint an astonishing 100 million BEUR (BonqDAO's Euro-pegged stablecoin) by raising the ALBT price. Subsequently, the attacker liquidated users' WALBT collateral, acquiring approximately 113 million WALBT tokens.

Impact and Aftermath of the BonqDAO Hack

Ripple Effects on AllianceBlock

While BonqDAO bore the brunt of the attack, the hack's repercussions extended beyond the protocol itself. AllianceBlock, whose token (ALBT) was used as collateral in BonqDAO, suffered significant collateral damage. The sudden sell-off of liquidated ALBT tokens led to a dramatic 75% price drop for AllianceBlock's token.

Market Instability

The hack's impact reverberated through the market, causing instability in related tokens:

  • BEUR, BonqDAO's Euro stablecoin, plummeted approximately 25% below its intended peg.
  • BNQ, BonqDAO's native token, experienced a sharp decline of over 30%.

These price fluctuations highlight the interconnected nature of DeFi protocols and the potential for cascading effects in the event of a security breach.

Expert Analysis and Post-Mortem Insights

Samczsun's Summary

Renowned blockchain security researcher Samczsun provided a concise summary of the attack, stating:

"The attacker was able to manipulate the price of the ALBT token on BonqDAO. They used this manipulated price to borrow large amounts of BEUR, and then dumped the BEUR for other assets."

This expert insight underscores the critical vulnerability in BonqDAO's reliance on easily manipulable oracle data.

Beosin's Step-by-Step Analysis

Blockchain security firm Beosin conducted a comprehensive post-mortem analysis of the hack, offering a detailed step-by-step breakdown of the attacker's actions. Their analysis provides valuable insights into the exploit's mechanics and highlights the importance of thorough smart contract audits.

Preventing Oracle Manipulation Attacks in DeFi

1. Implement Oracle Security Best Practices

To mitigate the risk of oracle manipulation, DeFi protocols should implement robust security measures:

  • Use multiple oracle sources to create a consensus mechanism for price feeds.
  • Implement time-weighted average prices (TWAP) instead of relying on instant price values.
  • Set price deviation thresholds to detect and prevent sudden, unrealistic price changes.

2. Enhance Due Diligence Processes

The BonqDAO hack emphasizes the need for rigorous due diligence when integrating with other protocols or using external price feeds. As noted in the aftermath, "AllianceBlock may not be at fault for the vulnerability, but perhaps more work on technical assessments is required."

3. Prioritize Regular Smart Contract Audits

Frequent and comprehensive smart contract audits are essential for identifying and addressing potential vulnerabilities before they can be exploited. Engaging reputable blockchain security firms and implementing their recommendations can significantly reduce the risk of successful attacks.

4. Implement Circuit Breakers and Failsafes

Incorporating automatic circuit breakers and failsafe mechanisms can help limit the damage in the event of an attack. These systems can temporarily halt operations or limit transaction sizes when suspicious activity is detected.

5. Educate Users on Risks and Best Practices

Protocols should prioritize user education, ensuring that participants understand the risks associated with DeFi lending and the importance of managing their token approvals responsibly.

DeFi Projects Susceptible to Similar Attacks

The BonqDAO hack serves as a cautionary tale for various types of DeFi projects that rely on oracle data for critical operations. Projects particularly vulnerable to similar attacks include:

  1. Lending and Borrowing Platforms: Protocols that use collateralized lending mechanisms based on oracle-provided asset prices.
  2. Synthetic Asset Protocols: Platforms that create derivative tokens pegged to real-world assets using oracle price feeds.
  3. Decentralized Exchanges (DEXs): Especially those utilizing automated market makers (AMMs) that rely on external price oracles for token valuations.
  4. Yield Farming and Liquidity Mining Protocols: Projects that determine reward distributions based on asset prices provided by oracles.
  5. Stablecoin Protocols: Particularly those using algorithmic mechanisms or collateralized systems that depend on accurate price data.
  6. Cross-Chain Bridge Protocols: Platforms facilitating asset transfers between different blockchain networks, which often rely on oracles for price conversions.
  7. Options and Derivatives Platforms: DeFi projects offering complex financial instruments that require accurate and timely price data.
  8. Prediction Markets: Decentralized betting platforms that use oracle data to determine outcomes and payouts.

Interesting Facts and Discussed Aspects

  • Minimal Initial Investment: The attacker managed to manipulate the entire system by staking only $175 worth of TRB tokens, highlighting the disproportionate impact of the exploit.
  • Discrepancy in Stolen Funds: While the total value of assets affected was $120 million, the attacker managed to escape with less than $2 million, indicating the rapid response and potential recovery efforts by the protocol and community.
  • Live-Tweeted Discovery: The alarm for the hack was initially raised on Twitter by user @spreekaway, who live-tweeted the dumping of stolen funds, showcasing the real-time nature of blockchain monitoring.
  • Potential for Accidental Discovery: Some experts speculated that the vulnerability might have been discovered accidentally rather than through painstaking research, raising questions about the ease of finding such critical flaws.
  • Implications for DeFi-TradFi Integration: The incident highlights the challenges in seamlessly integrating DeFi and traditional finance (TradFi) systems, suggesting that a more TradFi-like approach to technical assessments might be beneficial for the industry.

Conclusion: Strengthening DeFi Security Foundations

The BonqDAO hack serves as a stark reminder of the critical importance of robust security measures in the rapidly evolving world of decentralized finance. As the industry continues to innovate and grow, it must prioritize the development of more resilient systems, implement comprehensive audit processes, and foster a culture of security-first thinking.

By learning from incidents like the BonqDAO exploit, the DeFi community can work towards building a more secure and trustworthy ecosystem that can withstand the challenges of an increasingly complex financial landscape. Only through continuous improvement and vigilance can we hope to realize the full potential of blockchain technology and decentralized systems.

At Vidma Security, we understand the critical importance of robust smart contract audits and comprehensive blockchain security measures. Our team of expert auditors specializes in identifying vulnerabilities like those exploited in the BonqDAO hack, ensuring that your protocol remains secure against even the most sophisticated attacks. Visit to learn more about our industry-leading blockchain security services.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vel sapien turpis scelerisque est. Netus gravida urna, amet, interdum egestas nunc, interdum. Pellentesque blandit lobortis massa nulla id est. Facilisi cras nibh donec vitae. Congue fermentum, viverra tortor placerat. Pharetra id quisque massa diam vulputate in nullam orci at. Cursus mus senectus natoque urna, augue ligula nam felis. Sem facilisis cursus volutpat purus odio nulla facilisis. Fermentum cursus purus vitae posuere luctus vitae congue.
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