Skyward Finance: A $3.2M Lesson in Smart Contract Vulnerabilities

August 22, 2023
10 min read

Skyward Finance: A $3.2M Lesson in Smart Contract Vulnerabilities

The Skyward Finance hack serves as a stark reminder of the critical importance of robust smart contract security in the blockchain ecosystem. This comprehensive analysis delves into the intricacies of the attack, its implications, and the lessons learned for the wider DeFi community.

A Treasury Drained: The Skyward Finance Exploit

On August 1, 2022, the cryptocurrency world was shaken by news of a significant security breach. Skyward Finance, a NEAR-based token launchpad, fell victim to a sophisticated hack that resulted in the draining of its treasury. The attack led to a loss of 1.1 million NEAR tokens, valued at approximately $3.2 million at the time of the incident.

The Mechanics of the Hack

The exploit centered around a critical vulnerability in the smart contract's redeem_skyward function. The attacker ingeniously manipulated this function, bypassing crucial verification steps. This oversight allowed the malicious actor to drain the treasury by repeatedly passing their withdrawal within a single transaction.

The Impact: Beyond the Immediate Loss

The repercussions of the hack extended far beyond the immediate financial loss. The SKYWARD token, the native asset of the Skyward Finance ecosystem, experienced a catastrophic drop in value, plummeting by approximately 90% in the wake of the attack. This dramatic devaluation not only affected the project's treasury but also significantly impacted token holders and the broader NEAR ecosystem.

Unraveling the Exploit: A Deep Dive

The Vulnerability

At the heart of the Skyward Finance hack lay a critical flaw in the smart contract's design. The redeem_skyward function, intended to facilitate token redemptions, lacked proper input validation and security checks. This oversight created a loophole that the attacker expertly exploited.

The Attack Sequence

  1. Identification of the Vulnerability: The attacker identified the weakness in the redeem_skyward function, recognizing its potential for exploitation.
  2. Crafting the Exploit: A malicious transaction was constructed to take advantage of the vulnerability.
  3. Execution: The attacker repeatedly called the redeem_skyward function within a single transaction, each time draining funds from the treasury.
  4. Fund Extraction: The stolen NEAR tokens were swiftly moved to the attacker's wallet.

The Aftermath and Response

In the wake of the attack, Skyward Finance moved quickly to mitigate further damage. The project assured users that existing and previous sales were not affected, allowing funds and proceeds to be withdrawn safely. However, as a precautionary measure, users were strongly advised to withdraw their funds and cease interacting with the Skyward platform to prevent any potential further exploitation.

The Delayed Discovery: A Concerning Revelation

One of the most alarming aspects of the Skyward Finance hack was the duration it remained undetected. It took over a year for the vulnerability to be discovered and exploited, highlighting the complexity of the issue and raising questions about the thoroughness of previous security audits.

This extended period of vulnerability suggests two critical points:

  1. The intricacy of the exploit: The nature of the vulnerability was sophisticated enough to evade detection during routine security checks and audits.
  2. Potential unfamiliarity with the NEAR ecosystem: The delay in exploitation might indicate that many potential attackers were not as familiar with the NEAR blockchain, showcasing a temporary "security through obscurity" that ultimately proved dangerous.

Projects Susceptible to Similar Attacks

The Skyward Finance incident serves as a cautionary tale for a wide range of blockchain projects. Several types of DeFi platforms and protocols could be vulnerable to similar exploits:

  • Token Launchpads: Platforms similar to Skyward Finance that facilitate token launches and distributions are prime targets for such attacks.
  • Decentralized Exchanges (DEXs): Smart contracts handling token swaps and liquidity provision could contain similar vulnerabilities.
  • Yield Farming Protocols: Projects allowing users to stake or provide liquidity for rewards might have comparable weaknesses in their redemption functions.
  • Governance Token Systems: Platforms using tokens for voting or governance could be susceptible if their token distribution or redemption mechanisms are flawed.
  • Cross-Chain Bridges: Projects facilitating asset transfers between different blockchains might have similar vulnerabilities in their token-wrapping or unwrapping functions.

Expert Insights and Post-Mortem Analysis

In the aftermath of the Skyward Finance hack, blockchain security experts and analysts provided valuable insights:

"This incident underscores the critical importance of rigorous and continuous security audits in the DeFi space. Even a single overlooked vulnerability can lead to catastrophic losses," noted a prominent blockchain security researcher.

A post-mortem analysis revealed:

"The exploit in Skyward Finance's smart contract highlights a common pitfall in DeFi development – the assumption that certain functions are 'safe' without proper verification. This case demonstrates why every interaction within a smart contract must be treated as potentially malicious," stated a smart contract auditor familiar with the case.

Key Questions and Answers

Q: Could this hack have been prevented?
A: Yes, with more rigorous security measures. Regular and comprehensive smart contract audits, coupled with ongoing security assessments, could have potentially identified and addressed this vulnerability before it was exploited.

Q: What does this mean for the future of DeFi security?
A: This incident serves as a wake-up call for the entire DeFi industry. It emphasizes the need for more robust security practices, including multi-layered auditing processes and continuous monitoring systems.

Q: How can users protect themselves from similar hacks?
A: While users cannot directly prevent such hacks, they can mitigate risks by diversifying their holdings, staying informed about the security practices of the platforms they use, and promptly following security advisories issued by projects.

Prevention Strategies: Lessons for the Future

The Skyward Finance hack offers valuable lessons for enhancing smart contract security:

  1. Comprehensive Auditing: Engage multiple reputable auditing firms and implement ongoing audit processes to catch vulnerabilities that might be missed in a single review.
  2. Robust Input Validation: Implement stringent checks on all user inputs and contract interactions to prevent manipulation of critical functions.
  3. Real-Time Monitoring: Deploy systems to detect and alert on unusual activities or transactions, enabling quick responses to potential threats.
  4. Fail-Safe Mechanisms: Implement circuit breakers and other fail-safe measures to limit potential damage in case of an exploit.
  5. Continuous Security Assessments: Regularly conduct penetration testing and engage white hat hackers through bug bounty programs to proactively identify and address vulnerabilities.
  6. Smart Contract Upgrade Protocols: Implement secure upgrade mechanisms that allow for quick patching of identified vulnerabilities without compromising user funds or system integrity.

Interesting Facts and Discussed Aspects

  • Complexity of the Exploit: The fact that it took over a year for this vulnerability to be discovered and exploited speaks to its sophistication and the potential gaps in current auditing practices.
  • Impact on the NEAR Ecosystem: This hack not only affected Skyward Finance but also raised questions about the security of other projects built on the NEAR blockchain.
  • Blockchain Traceability: Authorities were able to identify the exploiter's address (5ebc5ecca14a44175464d0e6a7d3b2a6890229cd5f19cfb29ce8b1651fd58d39) and the attack transaction (92Gq7zeh), showcasing the transparency of blockchain technology.
  • Cross-Chain Implications: While this hack occurred on the NEAR blockchain, it highlights the need for enhanced security measures across all blockchain ecosystems, including more established networks like Ethereum.

Conclusion: A Call for Enhanced Security in the DeFi Space

The Skyward Finance hack serves as a sobering reminder of the vulnerabilities that can exist within smart contracts, even in well-established projects. It underscores the critical need for continuous security improvements, rigorous auditing processes, and a security-first approach in blockchain development.

As the DeFi ecosystem continues to evolve and expand, the lessons learned from this incident must be internalized by developers, auditors, and users alike. Only through a collective commitment to security can we build a more robust and trustworthy decentralized financial system.

In light of such incidents, the role of specialized security firms becomes increasingly crucial. Vidma Security stands at the forefront of blockchain security, offering comprehensive smart contract audit services and penetration testing for a wide range of blockchain projects. Our team of experts combines deep technical knowledge with a nuanced understanding of the DeFi landscape, enabling us to identify and mitigate even the most complex vulnerabilities. By partnering with Vidma, projects can significantly enhance their security posture, building more secure and reliable decentralized applications. For more information on how Vidma can help safeguard your blockchain initiatives, visit

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