Inverse Finance Hack: A $15.6 Million Lesson in DeFi Oracle Manipulation

May 19, 2023
12 min read

Inverse Finance Hack: A $15.6 Million Lesson in DeFi Oracle Manipulation

The Growing Threat of DeFi Security Breaches

In the rapidly evolving world of decentralized finance (DeFi), security breaches continue to pose significant threats to protocols and their users. On April 2, 2022, Inverse Finance fell victim to a meticulously planned attack, resulting in a staggering loss of approximately $15.6 million. This incident not only highlighted the vulnerabilities present in DeFi systems but also showcased the increasing sophistication of attackers in the space.

Anatomy of a Sophisticated DeFi Attack

The Inverse Finance hack was a masterclass in oracle manipulation and Miner Extractable Value (MEV) awareness. Let's break down the attack to understand its intricacies:

  1. Initial Fund Acquisition: The attacker began by withdrawing 901 ETH from Tornado Cash, a privacy-focused cryptocurrency mixer.
  2. Fund Distribution: Using Disperse, the hacker transferred 1.5 ETH to 241 different "clean" addresses, effectively obscuring the trail of funds.
  3. Smart Contract Deployment: Five different smart contracts were deployed, with only one being functional – a clever misdirection tactic.
  4. Price Manipulation: The attacker swapped 500 ETH for 1.7k INV tokens on SushiSwap's INV-WETH pair. Due to low liquidity, this action significantly inflated the price by a factor of 50.
  5. Oracle Exploitation: By spamming transactions, the hacker ensured they were first in line for the next block, capitalizing on the artificially inflated prices on SushiSwap.
  6. Inverse Finance Oracle Manipulation: The protocol's oracle, operating through Keeper Network, switched to using SushiSwap's Time-Weighted Average Price (TWAP) as its data source. This change caused the INV token's price to skyrocket within the Inverse Finance ecosystem.
  7. Leveraging Inflated Collateral: The attacker then used their 1.7k INV tokens (valued at $644,000 under normal circumstances) as collateral to borrow a whopping $15.6 million in various assets.

The stolen assets included 1,588 ETH, 94 WBTC, 4 million DOLA, and 39.3 YFI, demonstrating the scale and impact of this sophisticated attack.

Expert Insights: Analyzing the Complexity of DeFi Hacks

The Inverse Finance hack caught the attention of several blockchain security experts, who provided valuable insights into its intricacies:

  • MEV Awareness: Flash bot expert @bertcmiller described this as "one of the most MEV-aware hacks" he had ever encountered. The attacker's ability to manipulate oracle prices across multiple blocks while preventing arbitrage bots from correcting prices showcased an advanced understanding of blockchain mechanics.
  • Oracle Vulnerabilities: Chainlinkgod emphasized the risks associated with relying on a TWAP oracle sourced from a single, thinly traded decentralized exchange pair. This insight highlights the importance of robust and diversified oracle systems in DeFi protocols.
  • Professional Execution: Despite the apparent risks in hindsight, experts agreed that this attack was not the work of amateurs. The level of sophistication and planning involved indicated a deep understanding of DeFi protocols and their potential vulnerabilities.

Strengthening DeFi Security: Lessons from the Inverse Finance Hack

The Inverse Finance hack serves as a stark reminder of the critical importance of robust security measures in the DeFi space. Here are key takeaways for projects looking to enhance their defenses:

  1. Diversify Oracle Sources: Relying on a single source for price feeds, especially from low-liquidity pairs, can be dangerous. Implementing multi-source oracles can help mitigate the risk of price manipulation.
  2. Implement Circuit Breakers: Sudden, dramatic price changes should trigger automatic pauses in protocol operations, allowing for manual verification and preventing exploits based on temporary price distortions.
  3. Enhance Liquidity Monitoring: Regularly assess the liquidity of token pairs used for price feeds. Low liquidity can make a system vulnerable to price manipulation attacks.
  4. Conduct Thorough Audits: While not foolproof, comprehensive smart contract audits can help identify potential vulnerabilities before they're exploited. However, it's crucial to ensure that all aspects of the protocol, including external integrations, are within the audit's scope.
  5. Implement Robust Access Controls: Utilize multi-signature wallets and hardware wallets for managing critical protocol functions and funds.
  6. Stay Vigilant: The DeFi space is constantly evolving, and new attack vectors emerge regularly. Continuous monitoring and rapid response capabilities are essential for maintaining security.

Inverse Finance's Response and Recovery Strategy

In the wake of the attack, Inverse Finance took swift action to address the situation and prevent future incidents:

  • Collaboration with Chainlink: The protocol announced a partnership with Chainlink to introduce a new INV price feed, replacing the vulnerable TWAP oracle once liquidity requirements are met.
  • Transparent Communication: Inverse Finance issued an official statement promptly after the hack, demonstrating a commitment to transparency with their community.
  • Ongoing Investigation: The team continued to analyze the attack vector and explore potential recovery options for affected users.

Broader Implications for the DeFi Ecosystem

The Inverse Finance hack is not an isolated incident but part of a larger trend of sophisticated attacks in the DeFi space. This event underscores several important considerations for the broader blockchain community:

  • Interconnected Risks: The complex, interconnected nature of DeFi protocols means that vulnerabilities in one system can have far-reaching consequences across the ecosystem.
  • Balancing Innovation and Security: While rapid innovation is a hallmark of DeFi, it must be balanced with robust security practices to ensure the long-term viability of the space.
  • Incentive Structures: The current landscape often rewards attackers more than it does white hat hackers or security researchers. This imbalance needs to be addressed to create a more secure DeFi environment.
  • Education and Awareness: As DeFi becomes more mainstream, educating users about security best practices, such as monitoring and revoking wallet approvals, becomes increasingly important.

Conclusion: The Future of DeFi Security

The Inverse Finance hack serves as a sobering reminder of the ongoing security challenges in the DeFi space. While the attack was sophisticated and well-executed, it also highlighted areas where protocols can improve their defenses. As the blockchain industry continues to evolve, it's crucial for projects to prioritize security, implement robust safeguards, and foster a culture of continuous improvement and vigilance.

By learning from incidents like this and implementing stronger security measures, the DeFi ecosystem can work towards building a more resilient and trustworthy financial infrastructure for the future. The road ahead may be challenging, but with collective effort and dedication to security, the blockchain community can overcome these obstacles and realize the full potential of decentralized finance.

Vidma Security stands at the forefront of blockchain security, offering comprehensive smart contract audits and penetration testing services. Our team of experts specializes in identifying vulnerabilities across various DeFi protocols, layer-one solutions, and marketplaces. To learn more about how we can enhance your project's security, visit

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