Elephant Money: When DeFi Becomes Prey - A $22.2 Million Heist Case Study

May 14, 2023
15 min read

Elephant Money: When DeFi Becomes Prey - A $22.2 Million Heist Case Study

The Elephant in the Room: A $22.2 Million Heist

In the vast savanna of decentralized finance (DeFi), even the mightiest can fall prey to cunning predators. On May 11, 2022, Elephant Money, a DeFi protocol on the Binance Smart Chain, found itself in the crosshairs of a sophisticated attack that would shake the very foundations of its ecosystem. This incident serves as a stark reminder of the vulnerabilities that persist in the blockchain world, even for projects that appear to have taken necessary precautions.

The Anatomy of the Attack: A Masterclass in Manipulation

The attack on Elephant Money was not a simple smash-and-grab operation. Instead, it was a meticulously orchestrated exploit that took advantage of a critical vulnerability in the protocol's smart contract. The attacker employed a flash loan attack, a technique that has become increasingly common in the DeFi space, to manipulate the price of the ELEPHANT token during the minting process of the TRUNK stablecoin.

Here's how the attack unfolded:

  1. The attacker initiated the exploit by taking out flash loans totaling 131,000 WBNB (Wrapped BNB) and 91 million BUSD.
  2. Using these borrowed funds, the attacker swapped a portion of the WBNB for ELEPHANT tokens.
  3. The vulnerability in the smart contract allowed the attacker to inflate the price of ELEPHANT during the minting process of TRUNK.
  4. The attacker then minted TRUNK tokens, further boosting the value of their ELEPHANT holdings.
  5. Finally, the inflated ELEPHANT tokens were swapped back for WBNB, and the TRUNK tokens were redeemed for WBNB and BUSD.

This cycle was repeated multiple times, with each iteration netting the attacker approximately $4 million in profits. By the time the dust settled, the total gains for the hacker amounted to over 27,000 WBNB, equivalent to $11.2 million at the time.

The Aftermath: A Herd in Disarray

The impact of the attack on Elephant Money was devastating. Initially, the project reported losses of $11.2 million, but further analysis by blockchain security firm Peckshield revealed that the true extent of the damage was far greater. When accounting for the loss of approximately 30 billion ELEPHANT tokens, the total loss climbed to a staggering $22.2 million.

The market reaction was swift and merciless. The price of the ELEPHANT token plummeted by 75%, while TRUNK, the project's stablecoin, experienced a 40% drop before partially recovering to $0.78. These price movements sent shockwaves through the Elephant Money ecosystem, leaving investors and users reeling from the sudden devaluation of their holdings.

The Auditors' Oversight: A Costly Mistake

One of the most troubling aspects of the Elephant Money hack was the fact that the project had undergone not one, but two security audits prior to the attack. Both Solidity Finance and Certik, reputable names in the blockchain security industry, had reviewed the smart contracts. Yet, neither audit identified the critical vulnerability that led to the exploit.

This oversight raises serious questions about the efficacy of current auditing practices in the blockchain space. How could two separate audits miss such a glaring vulnerability? The answer may lie in the complexity of DeFi protocols and the rapid pace of innovation in the industry. As new attack vectors emerge, auditors must constantly update their methodologies to keep pace with potential threats.

Lessons from the Savanna: Protecting Your Herd

The Elephant Money hack offers several valuable lessons for DeFi projects and users alike:

  • Trust, but verify: While audits are an essential step in securing a smart contract, they should not be viewed as infallible. Projects should consider multiple audits from different firms and implement continuous security monitoring.
  • Beware of price manipulation: The vulnerability exploited in this attack centered around price manipulation during the minting process. DeFi protocols must implement robust price oracle systems and safeguards against sudden price fluctuations.
  • Flash loan vulnerabilities: Flash loans continue to be a popular tool for attackers. Projects must carefully consider how their contracts might be exploited using large, instantaneous loans.
  • Transparency is key: In the aftermath of an attack, clear and honest communication with the community is crucial. Attempts to downplay the severity of an incident can erode trust and hinder recovery efforts.
  • Implement multi-sig and robust key management: As seen in other DeFi hacks, proper key management is essential. Implementing multi-signature wallets and stringent access controls can help mitigate the risk of unauthorized access.

Expert Insights: Navigating the DeFi Jungle

The Elephant Money hack has sparked discussions among blockchain security experts about the state of DeFi security and the challenges facing the industry.

Matthias Egli, a researcher at ChainSecurity, emphasized the potential for even greater losses in larger protocols: "The vulnerabilities we're seeing in projects like EraLend and Elephant Money are just the tip of the iceberg. In more extensive protocols, these same issues could lead to catastrophic losses."

This sentiment is echoed by many in the industry who recognize that as DeFi continues to grow, so too does the potential impact of security breaches. The need for more robust security measures and a paradigm shift in how we approach smart contract development is becoming increasingly apparent.

Prevention Strategies: Fortifying Your DeFi Fortress

To protect against similar attacks, DeFi projects should consider implementing the following strategies:

  1. Multiple independent audits: Engage several reputable auditing firms to review your smart contracts. Different auditors may catch vulnerabilities that others miss.
  2. Ongoing code review: Consider services that provide continuous examination of code throughout the development process.
  3. Implement robust price oracles: Use decentralized price oracles and implement time-weighted average price (TWAP) mechanisms to prevent flash loan-based price manipulations.
  4. Gradual minting and redemption: Implement rate-limiting mechanisms for minting and redeeming tokens to make it more difficult for attackers to exploit price fluctuations.
  5. Thorough testing: Conduct extensive testing, including stress tests and simulated attacks, to identify potential vulnerabilities before deployment.
  6. Bug bounty programs: Establish generous bug bounty programs to incentivize white hat hackers to find and report vulnerabilities.
  7. Emergency pause mechanisms: Implement emergency pause functions that can quickly halt contract operations in the event of a detected attack.

The Road Ahead: Evolving in the Face of Adversity

The Elephant Money hack serves as a sobering reminder of the risks inherent in the rapidly evolving DeFi landscape. As the industry continues to grow and mature, it must learn from these incidents and adapt to stay ahead of malicious actors.

Projects must prioritize security at every stage of development, from initial design to ongoing maintenance. Users, too, must remain vigilant and conduct thorough research before investing in any DeFi protocol.

The blockchain security community plays a crucial role in this evolution. By sharing knowledge, developing new security tools, and constantly refining auditing processes, we can work towards a more secure and resilient DeFi ecosystem.

As we navigate the complex terrain of decentralized finance, let the Elephant Money incident serve as a guide post, reminding us of the importance of vigilance, transparency, and continuous improvement in our quest to build a more secure financial future.

At Vidma Security, we specialize in identifying vulnerabilities like those exploited in the Elephant Money hack. Our team of expert auditors provides comprehensive blockchain security solutions to protect your DeFi innovations. Visit https://www.vidma.io to learn how we can safeguard your project from potential threats.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vel sapien turpis scelerisque est. Netus gravida urna, amet, interdum egestas nunc, interdum. Pellentesque blandit lobortis massa nulla id est. Facilisi cras nibh donec vitae. Congue fermentum, viverra tortor placerat. Pharetra id quisque massa diam vulputate in nullam orci at. Cursus mus senectus natoque urna, augue ligula nam felis. Sem facilisis cursus volutpat purus odio nulla facilisis. Fermentum cursus purus vitae posuere luctus vitae congue.
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