Denial of Service with Failed Call: Unraveling the Silent Threat to Smart Contracts

May 16, 2023
10min read
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Denial of Service with Failed Call: Unraveling the Silent Threat to Smart Contracts

In the ever-evolving landscape of blockchain technology, smart contracts have become the backbone of decentralized applications (DApps) and decentralized finance (DeFi) protocols. However, with great power comes great responsibility, and the security of these smart contracts is paramount. One particularly insidious vulnerability that has been plaguing the industry is the "Denial of Service (DoS) with Failed Call" attack. This blog post will delve deep into this vulnerability, exploring its intricacies, real-world implications, and prevention strategies.

The Anatomy of DoS with Failed Call

At its core, the DoS with Failed Call vulnerability occurs when external calls within a smart contract fail intentionally or unintentionally, leading to a denial of service condition. This vulnerability can have severe consequences, potentially rendering the entire contract inoperable or causing significant financial losses. The crux of the issue lies in the way smart contracts handle external calls and the potential for these calls to fail, disrupting the normal flow of operations.

The Ripple Effect: How Failed Calls Cascade into DoS

To understand the severity of this vulnerability, it's crucial to recognize how a single failed call can snowball into a full-blown denial of service. In many smart contracts, especially those dealing with financial transactions or complex multi-step processes, the successful execution of one function often depends on the success of previous calls. When an external call fails, it can create a domino effect, causing subsequent operations to fail or become stuck in an unresolvable state.

Case Studies: When DoS Strikes

1. The Compound Protocol Setback

While not a direct example of DoS with Failed Call, the Compound protocol incident serves as a stark reminder of how vulnerabilities in smart contracts can lead to catastrophic outcomes. In this case, a flawed upgrade in the protocol's smart contract led to the erroneous distribution of COMP tokens worth millions of dollars. This incident underscores the critical nature of smart contract development and the potential consequences of even minor oversights.

The Compound case highlights the importance of thorough testing and the need for robust governance structures in DeFi protocols. It also demonstrates how vulnerabilities can extend beyond standard exploits, showcasing the high level of complexity in modern smart contract security.

2. The Euler Finance Exploit

The Euler Finance hack, resulting in a staggering loss of approximately $197 million, is another testament to the devastating impact of smart contract vulnerabilities. While this hack was not specifically a DoS with Failed Call attack, it illustrates how a single vulnerability in a critical function (in this case, the donateToReserves function) can be exploited to drain massive amounts of funds.

This incident emphasizes the need for meticulous code review and security audits, especially for functions that handle financial transactions or modify the contract's state. It also highlights the sophistication of modern attackers who can craft complex exploit strategies to take advantage of even the smallest vulnerabilities.

3. The Value DeFi Incident

The Value DeFi hack, resulting in a loss of $10 million, provides valuable insights into how seemingly minor oversights can lead to significant security breaches. Although not directly related to DoS with Failed Call, this incident showcases how uninitialized contracts can be exploited, a vulnerability that shares similarities with the potential consequences of failed calls.

In this case, a missing line of code in the initialize() function left the contract in an uninitialized state, allowing the attacker to reinitialize the pool and assume control. This example underscores the importance of proper initialization and state management in smart contracts, principles that are equally crucial in preventing DoS with Failed Call vulnerabilities.

Prevention Strategies: Fortifying Smart Contracts Against DoS

  1. Isolation of External Calls

    One of the primary prevention strategies for DoS with Failed Call vulnerabilities is to isolate each external call into its own transaction. This approach minimizes the impact of failures by allowing the call recipient to initiate the transaction. This is particularly crucial for payment systems, where it's advisable to let users withdraw funds rather than automatically pushing funds to them.

    Real-life example: The Aave protocol, a leading DeFi lending platform, implements this strategy in its smart contracts. By separating borrowing and repayment actions into distinct transactions, Aave reduces the risk of a single failed call affecting the entire lending process.

  2. Anticipate and Handle Failures

    Smart contract developers must always anticipate the possibility of external calls failing. This means implementing robust error handling mechanisms and fallback options to ensure the contract can gracefully recover from failed calls.

    Real-life example: The Chainlink oracle network, which provides critical data to many DeFi protocols, implements sophisticated error handling in its smart contracts. If a data feed fails to update within a specified time frame, the contract can switch to a fallback mechanism or trigger an alert, preventing potential DoS scenarios.

  3. Avoid Combining Multiple Calls in Single Transactions

    Particularly within loops, combining multiple external calls in a single transaction can exponentially increase the risk of DoS. By separating these calls, developers can limit the potential impact of a single failure.

    Real-life example: The Uniswap V3 protocol, a popular decentralized exchange, implements this principle in its liquidity provision mechanism. Instead of bundling multiple token transfers in a single transaction, it handles each token separately, reducing the risk of a failed transfer causing a DoS condition.

  4. Implement Formal Verification Techniques

    Formal verification is a powerful tool in the smart contract security arsenal. By mathematically proving the correctness of smart contract code, developers can significantly reduce logical errors and vulnerabilities that could lead to DoS scenarios.

    Real-life example: The MakerDAO protocol, which underpins the DAI stablecoin, has undergone extensive formal verification. This process helped identify and rectify potential vulnerabilities, including those that could lead to DoS conditions, before they could be exploited in the wild.

  5. Continuous Monitoring and Testing

    Implementing robust monitoring systems and conducting regular security assessments is crucial for detecting and mitigating DoS vulnerabilities promptly. This proactive approach allows for swift response and mitigation of potential threats.

    Real-life example: The Compound protocol, learning from its previous setbacks, has implemented enhanced monitoring systems. These systems continuously analyze on-chain activity and contract interactions, allowing for rapid detection and response to anomalies that could indicate a DoS attempt.

  6. Implement Rate-Limiting Mechanisms

    To prevent potential DoS attacks through transaction flooding, implementing rate-limiting mechanisms can be an effective strategy. This approach helps maintain the stability and responsiveness of the smart contract even under high-stress conditions.

    Real-life example: The Binance Smart Chain (BSC) implements gas price floors and ceilings to prevent transaction spam and potential DoS attacks. This mechanism ensures that the network remains responsive and that legitimate transactions are processed efficiently.

  7. Utilize Decentralized Price Oracles

    While not directly related to DoS with Failed Call, using decentralized price oracles can help prevent certain types of attacks that could lead to DoS conditions. By relying on multiple data sources, smart contracts can maintain accurate pricing information even if one source fails or is compromised.

    Real-life example: The Synthetix protocol, a decentralized derivatives platform, uses Chainlink's decentralized oracle network to fetch price data. This multi-source approach ensures that the protocol remains operational even if individual price feeds experience issues, preventing potential DoS scenarios.

Implications and Future Outlook

The DoS with Failed Call vulnerability, along with other smart contract vulnerabilities, poses a significant threat to the blockchain ecosystem. As the DeFi space continues to grow, with billions lost due to vulnerabilities each year, the importance of robust smart contract security cannot be overstated.

The increasing sophistication of attacks, as highlighted by experts like Dr. Petar Tsankov of ChainSecurity, calls for a paradigm shift in smart contract development and security practices. It's no longer sufficient to focus solely on basic coding errors; developers and auditors must consider complex interactions between multiple contracts and implement comprehensive system-level security reviews.

As the industry evolves, we can expect to see more advanced security techniques being employed. Formal verification and runtime verification are emerging as powerful tools in the fight against vulnerabilities like DoS with Failed Call. These techniques, combined with ongoing research and development in blockchain security, will be crucial in building a more resilient and trustworthy decentralized ecosystem.


The DoS with Failed Call vulnerability serves as a stark reminder of the complexities and challenges inherent in smart contract development. As we've seen through various case studies and prevention strategies, addressing this vulnerability requires a multi-faceted approach that combines meticulous coding practices, advanced security techniques, and ongoing vigilance.

For developers, auditors, and project managers in the blockchain space, understanding and mitigating vulnerabilities like DoS with Failed Call is not just a technical necessity—it's a fundamental responsibility. The future of decentralized finance and blockchain applications depends on our ability to create secure, resilient smart contracts that can withstand the ever-evolving threat landscape.

As we continue to push the boundaries of what's possible with blockchain technology, let's remember that security is not a destination but a journey. By staying informed, implementing best practices, and fostering a culture of security-first development, we can build a more robust and trustworthy decentralized future.

At Vidma, we specialize in comprehensive smart contract auditing services, helping projects build secure blockchain applications. Visit to learn how we can be your trusted partner in blockchain security.

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